IEP Assistance

Do IEPs feel overwhelming?

Do you feel like you don't ask questions because you don't even know what to ask?

Are the goals not matching up with what you want?

I can help. Through proper review, explanation and a clear strategy, together we will ensure your child's goals are aligned and being met.

How it works

A Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) who was trained as Master IEP Coach® will look over your child's current Individualized Education Program (IEP). Next, you will have a meeting to go over the report and help answer any questions. During this meeting we will discuss your needs and wants as well as any changes that we would recommend or that you would like to see. The final step is a follow up with your IEP team or to continue to monitor the progress of your child.

What you will learn

  • You will understand the goals that are currently in the IEP and what the goals may look like while your child is at school

  • We will work together and uncover questions to prepare for the IEP meeting

  • How to make sure you are being heard and to ensure that your outcome aligns with the school

Getting started

Contact me for your free 20 min consultation to see if this service is right for you.